Monday, December 31, 2012

New Year's Resolution: My Top Five :)

Here is to a better Me in 2013.... 

1. Stay Connected. 
Whether it's through a Parcel Package (my ultimate fav), Text, Phone Call's, E-mail, "likes" or "comments" (HA!) via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter or Pinterest... My goal is to stay connected to those I L-O-V-E by being available and always listening. An overall commitment I am proud to announce and fulfill via and other social media website's listed above. 

2. Keep Calm... Love More, Worry Less
For many of you, staying calm is not an issue. For me -- it is a major issue. I will fly off the handle in an instant and probably scare you. Sorry! Loving more, however, seems to come a little more natural and certainly easier for me to control. But, then I start worrying if it's too much, or maybe not enough? Ugg... just. stop. worrying. Life is so much easier when we stop taking everything so personal.  

3. EAT! The GOODS!
Meaning, stop eating effing everything in sight! and start eating what makes me feel better from the inside-out. Not just in the moment, overall -- in a "live long and prosper" way of life. I also want to stop paying ridiculous prices at stores for said food. When others have it on sale, remind me why I would pay more? {In my opinion} It is just easier to buy what's easily available in proximity and requires less work and stops with kids in tow. Quite the pickle. (no pun intended - hahaha!) 

4. Stay Active. 
I'm not going to pretend like I enjoy working out. Sure, at the moment I push myself further than I thought my body could handle, an exhilaration is sent to my brain and I am excited about the fat burning. Sadly, that alone is not enough to keep me motivated a day later. Alas, exercise. Movement. Getting off the couch, into the sunshine and then burning some major calories.

5. Write. 
Seems easy, right? Write? Well, for me this has been difficult. Not only in finding the actual time to sit down in front of a computer, without little faces demanding attention, but, as in the emotional persuasion, writing has had on my development as a mother/wife/daughter/sister, etc... Writing get's my wheels spinning -- and before I know it, I'm on some random tangent I never meant to be on. Let's be honest, it's too easy to over think, thinking.

So there you have it friends and family... a peek at my weaknesses and top problem area's I hope to improve by the end of next year (or sooner, hey!)

Here is some photo memory from New Year's Eve 2011 - Enjoy! :) 
The Mommy & Daddy at SG in Las Vegas last year bringing in 2012 together,  with friends!

T & K posing in front of the most beautiful 2012 ice sculpture. Weren't we like, totally GLOWING?! Ha! Cheers to the 2013 Sullivan Wedding!!  
T & T -- Bridesmaids in the upcoming Sullivan Wedding :) 
Re-Paying the bebesitting favor by having the girls' over while Mom & Dad got a Date-Night, too.  Craziness how fast they all grew in such a short time! Waahhhh!!!!!!
A & T playing dress-up --  doing princess things. Love it!!
Feel free to keep me in check and provide feedback by dropping a comment on the blog, "liking" a post, sending an e-mail/text, or just picking up the phone! Let's not hold back our feelings or opinions.... Hate it? Say it. Love it? Say it. and for goodness sake --- Let's just be kind to one another, shall we? I will do my very best. 

Thanks for reading! Love, Tasia <3

Saturday, December 29, 2012

Christmas 2012: Tradition, Food, & Tons of LOVE

Been an exciting few days in the Murrieta household since the last post.... to catch you up, I'll start with Christmas morning where J started a sweet tradition of bringing me flowers! I was missing loved ones and everyone could sense it...  Tasia is loved. 

This was Christmas Eve Night -- our little man refusing bed time and showering Dad with kisses. No complaints. Except, we (J & I) didn't go to bed until 2am because of this. Sleep is overrated. 

I'm hoping this doesn't become a tradition. Breathing treatment's for two -- sharing germs means we share medicine, too. 

Before Teilani went upstairs on Christmas Eve, we set out Santa's favorite cookie (Mint Oreo's) & Milk. Oh, you didn't know? Yep, it's his favorite. When she woke up, she went straight to the cookie plate and was excited to see he ate them ALL and washed 'em down with some milk. Good Boy, Santa!! Well done. 

My Mom (I mean, Santa) used to write out a letter each Christmas Eve... I remember being so excited to read it and see that he had ACTUALLY visited our house. So it brings me even greater joy to pass this tradition on to the kids. 

I wanted to capture their faces after seeing the presents wrapped and stockings stuffed. Could only get a few pictures. Darn! After all our hard work the night before - assembling, wrapping, sweating & laughing. I felt it was necessary to document through photo memory how loved and exciting this day was planned out to be. Most of the gifts were from family all around the world, sent to our CA headquarters before the big day. We are so blessed by you all! The extra's really made our day, special! 


While everyone was playing and cleaning up, I was busy in the kitchen making our breakfast -- Quiche! It's my favorite to make these days and really easy... aside from breakfast nachos... which I made the following morning with the leftover Turkey. Sooo good! I might post the recipe later but it's really quite simple and everything you would put on a steamy nacho plate, plus, the scrambled eggs. (Don't forget those!) 

Christmas Dinner was All-American! In the future, I hope to incorporate more of our cultural foods and explain how important they are in me and Jarrod's identity. For now, we are American in our food culture to the core and this is it --  Featuring a 15 lb. turkey, gravy, vegetables, deviled eggs, stuffing, cranberry sauce and grinch/andies cookies. Had to try the Andes cookie recipe from Pinterest! My Grandma Judy has been stuffing my presents full of Andes' mints every year since I was a little girl. They are my favorite so I guess you could say I was feeling nostalgic and missing past Christmases in Washington. 

Breakfast Nachos with Turkey
Deviled Eggs

Grinch/Andes Cookies

More snaps of the kids opening presents below...  Who can spot the Daddyrazzi in the background taking video? Ha! He loves photo memory, too! 

Watch out world -- here comes Jeyes Jaxon on his Schwinn

Doc Murrieta to the rescue
Lip gloss -- YUMM

Next year we are ponytailing the hair to get more expressions from Teilani. Classic. Love. 
Unwrapping the train table. They could not wait to start playing. Teilani had to touch every piece before she grabbed her dolls and went to town. 

Endless hours of trains, trucks and doll adventure's 

Princess Cindy meets the table and receives a gorgeous hat 

Asleep in Dad's arms. 19 months of LOVE

A Gift from Jarrod, Teilani & Jeyes this Christmas -- Mother & Child -- So special and one I will wear and cherish forever and always...below is one of my favorite poems I found on pinterest after Jeyes was born. I think of it whenever I look at this necklace.

They know me in a way no one ever has
They open me to things I never knew existed
They drive me to insanity and push me to my depths
They are the beat in my heart, the pulse in my veins, and the energy in my soul.
They are my kids. - Anonymous 

I hope everyone enjoyed Christmas with the ones they love this year! Yep, only a few more days until a NEW YEAR! Get ready my beloved readers... I have too many post's in mind as well as a re-design on the bloggy blog. I am looking so forward to a new beginning and more opportunites to stay connected to YOU. 

Love, Tasia

Friday, December 21, 2012

Family, Tradition, and SANTA !!!!

Dear Kids: Four more sleeps until Christmas 2012 !! 

We started off today with coffee. No, not for you. For ME! Wow, you are so busy... It only took 15 minutes for Jeyes to realize I was awake and then he was downstairs demanding "milkshakes" aka PediaSure milk. Have I mentioned how I can barely keep up? I'm always scrambling to find "home-based" idea's for us to enjoy together.  Here is a sweet-shot of Teilani and Dad at the table. Teilani - You kept saying this was "special mommy/Tei-Tei time"... I tried my best to keep Jeyes distracted with a movie and breakfast snacks but he clearly wanted in on the action and I could not tell him no nor deny him part of this legacy-building activity. Don't tell Dad... but, I saw him sneak a few pieces of candy while you weren't looking. We have another train - gingerbread pre-assembled house to make on Christmas Eve... I hope you love it as much as I do. 

Monster baby on the table destroying/adding his own personal touch 

Teilani hands adding more details... love the outfit, girl. 

Big boy walking to see Santa

 More handsomness... Standing in front of our garage. Everything blue... so studly. 

 RUNNING to see Santa

 You are so beautiful, Teilani. Even though this dress was last year's attire, you rock it well... and still love to wear it. It's your "Christmas dress". The thought of this being your last time/s wearing it brings me to tears. Why can't you stay my little Diva girl forever? Please?

Holding Dad's personal iPhone. "I'm gonna show Santa my ballet moves, Mommy" 

I named you - "Murrieta Elves" - How bout the finger in the mouth action? Um, yuckers. Did you wash your hands first? Yes, this is your mother talking. You know, the germ-a-phobe. 

JJ -  I know I told you I was working on balancing your diet... but, how could I say no to you eating this cookie? I mean, seriously. If there were ever a time to want to kiss your face it would be NOW.

Is she looking? Am I allowed to eat this? 

YUMMM. That's all I have to say. Can I kiss your cheekies, yet?

Big Sis time on Santa's lap

and this is Me in the clubhouse at our apartment complex --> Pineapple Mommarazzi. The lady who carried you in her belly for 9 months and is super obsessed with picture taking/documentation of our life. I hope you remember this year. Plenty more to be excited about. We are so blessed to have you and are trying so hard to make Christmas 2012 SPECIAL. 

I love you, Momma <3