Thursday, August 1, 2013

Photography Adventure & Avocado Leaf Tea

I keep reminding myself that it doesn't matter the quality of the photo. For now, just capture the moments as they happen and the details will come in time. I have dreamed of a new camera for. like. ever. With the support of Daddy J - this week we were able to make my dream come true. Don't get me wrong, you can still shoot beautiful photos with an iphone. Which has been my means of photographing life the past few years. Through my iphone camera is where I discovered a passion for photography. I still use it daily with no plans on throwing in the towel, always tinkering with fun filters, posting to Instagram and #hashtagging like a #mommarazzi. HA! BUT, I LOVE my new Canon Rebel t5i. I mostly shoot in auto mode. A few times I tried adjusting my own setting's but have been less than satisfied with the outcome. Boo! I have so much to learn. Let the photography journey begin!

What I won't do is let the time we have in Hawaii go by without documenting what my eyes see. In what I hope to be a tactful and not like an "oh hey, I'm in Hawaii, be jealous and look at my photo's" kind of way. That's lame. These particular photo's were taken in and around our yard the past few days. Our neighbors are growing some pretty amazing things. Any opportunity I have to take in their knowledge of gardening I grasp it. So far they have been very generous in educating my green thumb, which is a work in progress... 

My first day shooting I was noticing a huge vegetable growing on a fence next door. I used it as my first photo lesson along with far too many of my kids, only snapping about 20 of the same photo. Then I wandered over to our other neighbor's house and noticed all sorts of beautiful flowers. And also, wait for it... an Avocado tree. WHAT THE?!.... Another dream come true. I LOVE AVOCADO'S. They clearly noticed my stalking of the tree and said I could pick as many as I like anytime I want. And the leaves too. Leaves? I ask... Yes, Leaves! They make a great tea that offer's an array of wonder's for the body including cleansing of the kidney, lowering blood pressure, and more. So that is what I did. I picked a bundle of leaves with my cute boy, and I made tea. Any time I eat the smallest amount of whole avocado my mouth swells and I break out in hives. Thankfully, this did not happen with the tea. Maybe I'll build a tolerance? Hives, swelling, coughing, all equals a pain well worth it (I'm crazy, I know) when prepared with benadryl. This weird allergy onset after my pregnancy with Jeyes. Who would've thought? Blah. Oh, pregnancy...  

The process to making this tea is quite easy:

1. Pick
2. Rinse well
3. Boil 10-15 minutes
4. Extract the leaves after boil
5. Pour in your favorite cup of course and enjoy

My house smelled earthy and clean while it was boiling. A great treat. After it is poured - add any sweetener, honey, flavoring you would like, whatever fancies your drink. I didn't add anything and still thought it tasted just right. 

So there it is... my first photo's from the beloved Canon. And a little "who knew?" about Avocado tree leaves. Do you own a Canon? How was your first experience? My question's are only now beginning. Mahalo in advance for any love you could throw my way.

