Happy First Birthday Sweet Angel Boy!

Big Sister Lainie looks like a natural with you snuggled safely on her chest. I wonder what she was thinking? Big stuff, right here! |
The picture above is my first of you that I will always cherish. Sent via text message from your Mommy in the hospital. I knew I was in love all over again the moment I saw you in that blonde-headed beauties toddler arms. I'm so sorry we (Uncle J, Tei-Tei & Auntie Tasia) couldn't be there for your Birthday! Miles and time (sweet, precious time) are the only thing that stands between us, for now.
Your Mommy... I love her... and it looks like you do, too! :) How could a girl not be in love with you? Those eyes staring into Mommy's are what keeps our hearts beating and blood pumping. Loved and being Loved. Equally important and a sure sign of happiness.
Lainie looks safe & secure with you by her side. Personally, I want to grab your cheeks and kiss that droll right off your plump little lips. Then, I'd like to grab your teeny tiny toes and eat, eat, eat 'em up! You are soooo handsome! YUMMM!
This might be why you will most likely lose more arguments than you could ever imagine. Us Big Sister's think we know everything. So when I saw this e-card I thought I would gently remind you that Big Sister's are bossy and to be easy on my niece in the future. Please? I love you!
Caution: Most adorable hug. Ever. Sibling rivalry & love -- Captured in one beautiful photo. Siblings can be so annoying, especially when your cute and all we want to do is love on you. You are so loved!
This is your beautiful Grandmomma T with all four of her Grandbabies. I see T-R-O-U-B-L-E next cousin reunion. We have missed you!
Great-Grandmomma Ellie and four Great Grandbabies! I am bursting with memories of her love for me and your Mommy. Which makes this moment all the more meaningful. I dream of being this blessed, doing what she is doing, when I grow up.
Back to your Mommy... isn't she gorgeous? No, really... look at the way she is holding you so tenderly. You are her SonShine... her only, SonShine... You make her HAPPY, when skies are grey... May you always know, dear, how much she loves you. Please don't take - her Sonshine away...
Here you are all grow'd up -- 11 months of absolute LOVE. My heart will love you forever and always.
These girls love you and you are their world. Three beautiful hearts, together, hugging and loving. I am at complete peace knowing you are safe by their side.
P.S. Great Grandmomma Ellie has reported that you love your glow worm baby. She said you pack it around in your arms, give it kisses and snuggle it before bedtime. I love this about you! Tender and gentle are great qualities in a handsome man like yourself.
Hugs & Kisses
Love always & forever, Auntie Tasia
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