Growing up in Washington State, I spent a lot of time outdoors and in the mountains bike riding. Positive memories with my kids and most of all exercise is part of the legacy I pursue. Bike riding is a great legacy building experience that I am privileged to pass onto my children. Jarrod and I are very grateful for both of the kids tricycle's. Generously gifted on Christmas 2011 to Teilani and Christmas 2012 to Jeyes by their Tata & Nana Murrieta in Arizona.
Teilani - 2011 in Las Vegas (Age Two) - Still figuring out how to pedal so Tata & Nana helped her with a push of a broom |
Smiles from ear-to-ear on her First Bike Adventure outside our home |
We took a break from our colds this week and decided to get outside for some fresh air and sunshine. Vitamin D in it's best form. These kids have no idea what Winter in January looks like in my hometown. Getting outside and moving our bodies everyday is a personal goal and priority in my daily routine for 2013. Thankfully, the wind died-down and the temperature was reliable. So on this day, it was perfect. While I do not recommend anyone ride without a helmet - the following pictures were taken in our gated apartment community common grounds (with no helmets worn) and no where near busy traffic or prominent danger. When we graduate to the next bike, helmets will be worn at all times. Keep in mind, Momma is always watching closely and of course - multi-tasking/taking pictures. It is my duty in photo memory positive memories.
Always on the look-out for cars, people, and doggies. Good job, kids! |
Four years old in May - Teilani is outgrowing her beloved bike by the hour! Where does the time go? I want it all back. |
JJ's pedaling looks more like waddling with passion |
Ring the bell on your right if you love your Momma :) |
Attempting to pedal and steer - WOW - watch out! |
Peaceful chair naps after bike riding |
Me - Age three, riding indoors (ha!) at Grandad & GrandMomma Judy's in Washington State |
Teilani - Age two (above) Age three (below) - bike riding in Nevada - Christmas 2011 & California - Summer 2012 |
Go ahead, you can say it - she is my twin! Constantly observing, asking questions and learning. Wanting to be just like mommy. Still, at age 26, the love for my Momma has the same intensity as it was when I was three. I love my Mom and I am blessed to have my girl.
After owning and spending many hours with this particular model - I would 100% recommend this trike to all of my friends & family that are in the market for a Toddler's First Tricycle. I looked on-line today and Wal-mart seems to be the best choice for pricing ($69.97 plus tax). You can read the reviews and decide for yourself. Or take my advice and go with my recommendation. I was not compensated for this post. I just happen to love sharing and this trike.
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