Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Arizona Adventure: January 2013

This past weekend, the four of us traveled to Arizona to visit the kids Tata & Nana Murrieta and Auntie Liz in Arizona. A "Christmas" tradition and moments we are blessed to be a part of. Our visit was Christmas 2012 & Happy Birthday Jesus center-based and filled with wonderful food, comfort, gifts, rest, peace, and love. Naturally, it took us a few days to catch up and regroup after arriving back in SoCal, and before weeks of Preschool, Ballet, park visits, family activities and preperation for our time spent in Washington State mid-February.

If you are looking for a photographer in Prescott/Prescott Valley, Arizona - let me know! We have previously taken photos with Rosalie and have never been disappointed. I absolutely LOVE pictures of my kids. That means I would never turn a free photo session down for anything! Thank you, Rosalie! I think my little hulapeno babies are the most beautiful children in the world - as every mother does of their own. Right? This particular photo shoot was sort of last-minute. But, I think all the picture's turned out great! On that note - please excuse the abundance of beautiful photos below and also, the naturalness in everyone's attire and attitudes. With that said, I hope you enjoy! I sure did! :)<~~
Teilani Marie's  natural sweet smile {Age Three} brings me peace  
The tininess in her fingers, the way she holds her train makes me wish I could freeze time 

Her famous ballerina "pose" ~ Which she will perform on-demand, usually :)
Dad holding on tight to tired baby. Nap time approaching... Hold on, tight!
Tata Roy makes a great shoulder ride ~ Such a patient, kind, and loving man 

~This looks serious ~
NOT Mommy approved: Daddy & son doing what they do
My teething guy ~ Love the variety in faces
A small grin before a BIG slide. Such a beauty <3 
Big Sister & Little Brother tackle the backyard slide, together in AZ
Three Generations of Murrieta's 
Auntie Liz loves her niece and nephew ~ She is one of a kind!
Don't let these dimples fool you... he is very mischievous, ladies! 
These Murrieta girls are BEAUTIFUL
My Sister - in - Love, Liz... <3
E & T <3 <3 

Momma T,  Nana C, Tei -Tei & Auntie Liz (L to R) 
~ Nana Cheryl radiates tenderness and love. We are so blessed by her wisdom and grace ~

Nana Grandaughter love
Cheek-biting T & cheeky Jeyes keeping Nana young & spry :)
Baby Jeyes is a wiggle worm ~ Nana always has a close-eye on baby 
~ Karate punches & beautiful smiles ~  
~Love the way Nana looks at her grand babies. I think Jeyes was looking at the twirly on top of the roof (his favorite)~
~ Love the Silliness ~
~ Nana loves her Grand Babies and they love her, too ~

~ What a great moment <3 Love all their faces  ~
 ~ Tata had to get in on some Murrieta kid smooches ~
Clap your hands if you love to say "CHEESE" :)

~ Tata Roy is very loved by his Teilani ~
The kids loved this silly ball and Tata time. Kick, lounge, and PLAY! 
~ Such sweet innocence in his face ~ My handsome man hero, Jeyes Jaxon ~ 
Los Murrieta's Family Photo January 2013

My Dear Kids: You have no idea how much love there is for you in this world. I pray you never forget these times we spent with our Arizona family. We are all very loved and prayed for daily. Until that day comes when you are grown and standing next to me and Daddy with maybe your own children - I will remember all the love and guidance that has been provided, and I hope you will too. We thank the good lord everyday that he blessed us with a strong, supportive and loving family in multiple states.

Take good care, my loves ~ Love, Momma T

Monday, January 14, 2013

20 Month Love Letter to Jeyes

Dear Jeyes Jaxon:

I write you this letter on a day when my heart feels heavy. Your sister starts preschool today and although this time will provide us with extra bonding, focus on your development, and exercise for Mommy, it means you are both growing up. Time is flying! Before I know it, I'll be writing your second birthday love letter. Hard to believe. Not sure I'm ready for that, yet. 

At this stage in life your imagination is wild! Just like your sister - I notice you venturing off into a car and truck wonderland. Wheeling them on the floor, up the couch and onto just about everything. I remember your sister starting to play like this when she was your age and it excites me to see it in you. Cars, trucks and trains are your favorite toy. My boy, you are teaching me so much these days... Like to SMILE and LAUGH. Nothing pulls me out of my own head like your hugs and kisses. Some may say we look like we're making-out. HA! Those are the best kind of kisses a Mommy could ask for. When again will you stop kissing on the lips? Please don't stop. They warm me and your Daddy's heart and soul. 

Here is some Photo Memory of Pregnant Mommy & Teilani (at nearly 20 months) loving each other in Las Vegas and preparing for you to bless our life. The last of the three pictures is of her playing with her dolls in the window at our doctor appointment. This is the imagination I am talking about. She and her dollies went to nearly all of our appointments. Keeping her very busy and well-behaved. We could not wait to meet you! 

To put it mildly, Mommy's body has had it. Two pregnancies back to back and three years of breastfeeding has taken it's toll on me. Doctor's orders are to focus not only on our Legacy we are creating daily, but on ME - your mother/dads wife/and taking good care of my body. I want to be all that I can for you, Teilani, Daddy and the rest of my extended family & friends. I want you to know that I am 100% dedicated to providing you and your sister with unconditional love and support. That will never change. 

Snoozing on Daddy with a park boo-boo on your nose

Speaking of being all that I can... I am not perfect. Shocker. We took you and Teilani to the park the other day and you fell. Hard. It was awful. Mom Fail at it's finest. All those times I boasted in being the attentive parent. Then it happened - My brave son, you climbed to the highest point of the playground - up a metal frame and to the center structure. I was so proud! I turned to Daddy in excitement and in that split second you jumped! Like you always do, and I didn't see until it was too late. Although this was inevitable, I couldn't stop wondering what went through your head after you hit the ground? Trust was broken and you were very sad. We all were. Daddy was the strongest of the bunch and kept telling you to "rub some dirt on it" "be tough" all things I heard while growing up, but, it still didn't make it hurt less. And I know that. Why I tend to "baby" you like some would say, is because I truly believe I know how you feel and never want to hurt or make you feel sad. Dad is right - You do need to "be tough"... this world can be deceiving and if you don't make a few mistakes and pay the price, you'll never know true failure and consequence. 

Teaching you to swing like a professional

All by yourself ~ so proud!

Very brave climber boy

I thank God everyday for choosing me to be your Mother. I pray he continues to strengthen and bless our family in good health & wellness today, tomorrow, and forever. 

I love you, my son. 

Love, Momma 

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Schwinn Tricycle: Pink & Blue 12'' Roadster

Growing up in Washington State, I spent a lot of time outdoors and in the mountains bike riding. Positive memories with my kids and most of all exercise is part of the legacy I pursue. Bike riding is a great legacy building experience that I am privileged to pass onto my children. Jarrod and I are very grateful for both of the kids tricycle's. Generously gifted on Christmas 2011 to Teilani and Christmas 2012 to Jeyes by their Tata & Nana Murrieta in Arizona.

Teilani - 2011 in Las Vegas (Age Two) - Still figuring out how to pedal so Tata & Nana helped her with a push of a broom
Smiles from ear-to-ear on her First Bike Adventure outside our home

We took a break from our colds this week and decided to get outside for some fresh air and sunshine. Vitamin D in it's best form. These kids have no idea what Winter in January looks like in my hometown. Getting outside and moving our bodies everyday is a personal goal and priority in my daily routine for 2013. Thankfully, the wind died-down and the temperature was reliable. So on this day, it was perfect. While I do not recommend anyone ride without a helmet - the following pictures were taken in our gated apartment community common grounds (with no helmets worn) and no where near busy traffic or prominent danger. When we graduate to the next bike, helmets will be worn at all times. Keep in mind, Momma is always watching closely and of course - multi-tasking/taking pictures. It is my duty in photo memory positive memories. 

Always on the look-out for cars, people,  and doggies. Good job, kids! 
Four years old in May - Teilani is outgrowing her beloved bike by the hour! Where does the time go? I want it all back.  
JJ's pedaling looks more like waddling with passion
Ring the bell on your right if you love your Momma :) 
Attempting to pedal and steer - WOW - watch out!
Peaceful chair naps after bike riding
Me - Age three, riding indoors (ha!) at Grandad & GrandMomma Judy's in Washington State

Teilani - Age two (above) Age three (below) - bike riding in Nevada - Christmas 2011 &  California - Summer 2012
Go ahead, you can say it - she is my twin! Constantly observing, asking questions and learning. Wanting to be just like mommy. Still, at age 26, the love for my Momma has the same intensity as it was when I was three. I love my Mom and I am blessed to have my girl.  

After owning and spending many hours with this particular model - I would 100% recommend this trike to all of my friends & family that are in the market for a Toddler's First Tricycle. I looked on-line today and Wal-mart seems to be the best choice for pricing ($69.97 plus tax). You can read the reviews and decide for yourself. Or take my advice and go with my recommendation. I was not compensated for this post. I just happen to love sharing and this trike.