Our night time routine has gone down the toilet. I am so sad thinking about all the books I used to read to Teilani before bedtime each night and how I don't do nearly the same for Jeyes. By the time night comes, I am exhausted and my patience is very thin. Sometime's I'll read and sometime's I won't. After bath's are complete and teeth are brushed, I just turn off the light's and that is our bedtime routine. Terrible! When I wake up in the morning I feel so much guilt for not making the time to read even just one book. I know it would help settle the kids and provide them with reading skills, but, I still can't seem to snap out my laziness when the time comes. Guilt! Oh, the guilt!
I am especially grateful for Dad's who read books to their kids. Yesterday, I was at the end of my rope with finding things to keep the kids stimulated. Dad had a late night at work and they were determined to stay awake until he walked through the door. You can imagine my relief when that finally happened. I handed over the night owls and took a few minute's for myself in the bedroom with my remote. Once it was too quiet for my liking, I peeked my head around the corner to see what was happening, this is what I found.
My appreciation goes out to any Mom or Dad that takes the time to read a book to a child. We can only get better each day and I promise to be more for my children today, tomorrow and forever.
Dear Jarrod:
I love you and appreciate you. Thank you for understanding me and loving me through my unfavorable behavior's. We are so blessed to have a man like you in our life. Keeping you in my prayer's this very busy work week.
I love you.
~ Tasia
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