Dear Jeyes Jaxon:
Along the beaches of Oahu, Hawaii is where we brought you weeks before your second birthday. Seeing you observe the waves crash into each other, exploring the feel of warm sand between your toes (and in your mouth - yes, I saw you sneak a taste) was incredible to watch. I couldn't believe my eyes... there you were in the very city I was born, playing on a beach I have dreamed about for almost my entire life. Although you were afraid to go out into the water with us, I know in time you will become braver and before I blink I'll have a fearless surfer boy gliding through the ocean. You are so unbelievably handsome, my boy. I tell you this every. single. day. And smart. Never in your life have you gone one day without me kissing your soft cheeks. Or squeezing your tiny body in my arms. That's a fact, jack! We've spent every day of your life together. Somedays you drive me batty with your not so cute temper tantrums and constant shoving of your hand down the diaper. My hand slams into my forehead as I shake my head at you sometimes and wonder what the heck you are thinking stealing your sister's favorite toy and laughing as she chases you screaming her head off. "Saww-yy" followed with a hug is your way of saying sorry and apologizing. Totally frustrating but yet, absolutely adorable when viewed through my mommy filtered eye-balls. One day sister will understand that you just want her attention. Yes, you are an attention seeker. In our home, all eyes are on you and your latest stunt. You're quite the little rascal you know! Playful, silly and down right awrnry when you choose. I've become a huge fan of the way you grab my face with both your hands and plant your luscious toddler lips on my cheeks mumbling "mmmwah" -- completely melts my body.
When I close my eyes and try to imagine you as an adult in this world, my heart swells with pride. I envision your presence like Daddy's. Nana Murrieta says it best speaking of your Daddy... "He is a big man with a bigger heart and a greater character". I could not agree more. Am I raising you to be of this nature? Will you be honest and loving like your father? What I do know is that I pray for you every day and believe that God will help me guide you to your destiny.
I hope I never forget the feeling of holding you in my arms for the first time. Incredible and forever life-changing is the best I can do for words to sum up the experience of becoming your mother. If only I could relive this moment again and again and again... On the day you were born, life had a new purpose. And a brand new powerful feeling. My Sonshine, My Baby Boy, My Angel, you will forever have my unconditional love. I am so proud to be your mother.
Happy Second Birthday, Jeyes!!
I love you, my beautiful Son...
Alofa "Love" (in Samoan) always, Mommy Tasia
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