Thursday, June 13, 2013

Confessions Of A Co-Sleeping Mom

Photo credit: Daddy J on the above photo

For the past four years I have been co-sleeping. That is crazy, right? If you are part of this club, maybe you can relate to these interesting tidbits. Even if you aren't. Please join me in the humor...

#1 Waking up soaked in pee happens.

#2 Your pillow is no longer yours and probably smells like pee, too.

#3 You've slept on a towel covering the pee soaked sheet more than one night consecutively. (ok, maybe that one is just me)

#4 You go to bed when the kid goes to bed. They NEED your body warmth and comfort.

#5 Sneaking away after they fall asleep and feeling like you've won a gold metal. 

#6 A full-night's rest without interruption is something you desire.

#7 S.E.X. you know, with your spouse or partner? Creativity is your friend ;) 

#8 S.E.X. what is that? 

#9 Explaining to others why/how you co-sleep and in the end still not sure why.

#10 Agreeing with one, or all of these has made you feel like your not alone.

Whether you co-sleep or not, we as parent's have one time or another allowed our kids an opportunity to hop in bed with us. Don't lie. Personally, I have a love-hate relationship with co-sleeping. When I was pregnant with my first born, I bought a bassinet and placed it right by my bed. I would look at it every night before she was born and could not wait to see her tiny body snuggled up inside. What I didn't anticipate was her need for closeness. That need, ultimately, driving a wedge between my husband and I (literally - in bed between us) and starting a controversy we deal with on a nightly basis. With much persuasion and failed attempts, my girl eventually graduated to her own bed once her little brother was born. Though she still seems to sneak her way in our very crowded slumber zone every now and then. 

Co-sleeping came eerily natural for me. It felt right, so I went with it. There was never any other way I could Mother without sleeping next to my baby. Not to say anyone is wrong for going the other route. I tried. And I'm still trying... 

For the Co-sleeping parent: When did you stop Co-sleeping with your baby/toddler or KID? How did you do it? How do you rise above the challenges it creates with your partner? I HAVE to know. 

High-fives to anyone who pays puts effort into their child's sleeping arrangement. And their own for that matter. Without sleep, we are all a little less fabulous when the sun rises.

I love coffee.  

Aloha Cheers,


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